Nu kan du snart træne online med mig hvor som helst og når som helst!
Du kan vælge imellem disse 4 trænings pakker som kan støtte og hjælpe dig i din travle hverdag. Her er morgen og aften programmer, meditationer og åndedrætsteknikker.
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Kategoriarkiv: Fabulous news – Woman & Man
Lambi & Mette Tost
Glad Konkurrence Nyhed – Bliv stærk og blød med Lambi og Mette Tost Yoga.
Indtil den 19. april har du nu en enestående chance for at vinde mig som din personlige Yoga instruktør. Lambi har hyret mig som din hovedpræmie og det betyder at du får Yoga som er specielt målrettet til dig og dit behov. SÅDAN! det bliver ikke bedre end det vel?
Skynd dig ind på og læs mere om hvordan du vinder mig.
Lambi er gået i luften med Deres nye dejlige produkt med slogan “Bliv stærk og blød som Lambi”. Personligt syntes jeg det er TOP genialt at matche det op til hvad Yoga kan bringe dig. Jeg er vildt glad for at det blev mig der skal bringe dig ind i styrke og blødhed. Er du klar?
Bliver du ikke den heldige vinder, så er jeg stadig klar til at undervise dig og du kan se meget mere om mine søndags klasser eller mine Yoga forløb på mit website. Se dig omkring:=) Og skriv endelig til mig hvis du har spørgsmål
Rundt om i Danmark finder du mig nu på POS materiale i visse udvalgte butikker. Er du heldig at få øje på mig så snup et foto, gå ind og Like min Facebook på dette link og del så dit foto på min side. Fortæl hvor i landet du har taget dit foto og vær med i en ekstra lille konkurrence. Jeg trækker lod imellem fotos når der er trukket en Lambi vinder. Gevinsten er alt afhængig af hvor i landet du bor:=)
Jeg er vild med Lambis historie og mission som startede i 1965 hvor jeg faktisk blev født…smiler. Jeg har stor respekt for nævnte og er beæret over at være en del af deres nye kampagne. Prøv lige at læse med her.
Temaet blødhed har inspireret mig til at sammensætte et dejligt blødt morgen Yoga program til dig. Det får du gratis når du tilmelder dig mit nyhedsbrev.
Jeg kan også tilbyde dig en 3 måneders Blød Yoga Pakke forløb som du kan læse mere om her
Må du blive i din egen blødhed og holde balance og livs glæde…:=)
Stor varm hilsen fra Mette Tost
Welcome 2015
Dear All, welcome into 2015…
I have planned so much great Yoga for your body and mind to enter into transformation, happiness and balance, – to stay healthy and in vibrant energy flow. I hope to see you soon on the mat for life changing Yoga. I will begin this 2015 so you now have the chance to follow the same Kriya for 1 month. This will give your body and mind great awareness in the great potential of doing the same Kriya. Adopting the grand change and transformation will help you get deeper into your body and mind. Also the overall satisfaction from growing stronger in the excersises. My personal experience in doing the same Kriyas for longer time, has given me profound effects and almost a personal relationship to the Kriyas. For supporting me and being a best friend in times of challenges.This I want you to experience. Fridays will be one angle to follow and Sundays a different angle…
January Fridays – Friday Kundalini Yoga Week Release for all…- don´t miss out on starting your weekend empowered and happy!!
Warm Ups by tostyoga to open up into the Kriya to balance your LIFE ENERGY FLOW – You will experience 3 short powerful Master Sets Kriyas to work on your inner organs, major glands, lungs. Specific on your kidneys and Liver to detox and release fat. Works deeply on stress relief, detoxing and digestions. The Mantra meditation will bring you from negative mind to positive mind. This is a WOW class wich uses breathing techniques in the Master Sets which really opens directly op to relieving tensions. Restorative stretchings in the end to release the week completely and entering into final relaxtion.
Time: 17.00-18.30 Studio 1
January Sundays 4/01/15 – Women´s Space – Come and embrace yourself and elevate!
Warm Ups by tostyoga to open up into the Kriya Womens Set – This Kriya is designed to keep your spine, organs and nervous system strong and healthy. It also works on keeping the female organs healthy, particularly relieving tension in the ovaries. If practised everyday it can give you beauty, radiance and grace. Final a soft feminine Meditation to evoke and manifest the inner grace, strength and radiance.Also it balances the inner five elements Mercury, Sun, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. This is a MUST class for women:=)
Time: 17.00-18.30 Studio 1
January News also brings:
1: tostyoga online:
Soon you can join and follow me online for Kundalini Yoga. I will bring you many Yoga Tools to use in your daily lifes. Also tostyoga programs for good morning and good evening practise etc.I will let you know when tostyoga hits the great Space.
2:tostyoga offers Yoga Coaching 1:1 sessions.
I now offer you unique 1:1 sessions of Yoga Coaching. This is for you who need to do more personal practise at home. We will talk about your needs, and what you need to support you in your daily life. But I will also calculate your 5 Yogic Numbers which are Soul, Karma, Gift, Destiny, and Path. This can be used to discover which energy bodies you need to balance in order to live in flow. You will get a Access Concsciousness treatment, this gives me the chance to get deeper into your energy system. And it works profoundly hand in hand with Kundalini Yoga.
Your first Yoga Coaching session could look like this:
A: Email to me explaing where you are in your life and what you need. I want you to feel and think about and put into words. Then followed up with phone talk.
B: 1 hour Access Concsciousness treatment.
Then I will build together your unique personal practise which brings you warm ups, kriya and meditations.
C: 2 hours yoga practise where I will guide you into the excersises and explain about your 5 Yogic Numbers etc. You will be provided with copies of your practise.You can choose to come at my house or book Yogacentralen at studio 2 for 200 kr.
D: Follow up on email or skype if you need to talk to me about the effect of the practise.
January Special Price: 1500 kr. + 200 kr. if you want to book the studio at YC for 2 hours.
You can also choose a longer periode where I will build you practise over 3-4 month. Just contact me on your need and on prices etc.
3: tostyoga offers again, Kundalini Yoga Malaga Retreat 3-9 Oct. 2015
Kundalini Yoga Malaga Retreat informations and updates ready on
Happy Greetings from Mette
Nu kan du snart få mig online
Kære Alle
Det er med stor glæde at jeg fortæller dig at jeg snart er online på
Det betyder at du kan træne Kundalini Yoga når det passer dig. Her kan du træne og øve dig i øvelser, stræk, meditationer, åndedrætsteknikker og Kriyaer som kan støtte dig i dit daglige og travle liv. Du kan bla. se frem til øvelser for Godmorgen og Godaften, beroligende og opkvikkende åndedræt m.m. Jeg ser frem til at komme ud over rampen og helt hjem til dig…Vi ses snart online:=)
Samtidig et stort tak til Studio Nia for at sponsorere med det smukke lokale til min første
og snart anden optagelse. Du kan se mere om Studio Nia på
IAAWY Kundalini Yoga Retreat in Malaga
IAAWY introduces 5 days Kundalini Yoga Retreat in Malaga.
From 5. Oct. – 11. Oct. 2014.
I will guide you into the powerful tools of Kundalini Yoga, The 5 Tibets and Breathwalk – walking meditation by the beach. This will bring you into anti-stress and reboost and rejuvenate your energy reserve. Work on your balance, focus and mental clairity, health, happiness and empowerment. This will support you and reinforce you physically, mentally and bring you into a surplus winter time. Go to menu Retreat and sub menus to read more about prices, practical information and the 5 days program. If any question please email me through the contact email. Lots of happy greetings from Mette